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View of the Field

Let’s teach them how to separate COMPETING from RESULTS.

View of the Field

As you’re walking up to the field, do you feel excited, ready to compete (which is much different than winning), and eager to learn?

Or do you feel nervous, the fear of being scolded, and ready to be lectured?

The feelings that a player attaches to the field have a massive effect on what type of success they will have throughout their career.

As coaches (and parents) we greatly influence how players feel about stepping on to the baseball field.

Let’s take pride in making it an atmosphere of growth, FUN, and learning, rather than the criticizing and disappointment.

Let’s teach them how to separate COMPETING from RESULTS. They should be excited to go out and compete against quality competition, rather than be nervous about losing or looking bad.

And let’s make it very evident that we love watching them play hard, regardless of their stat lines! 
The field should be a place where players are eager to go! Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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