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An Unpopular Take on Video Games

They’re playing 150+ games with an insane travel schedule, all while still training really hard, lifting, eating right, etc. They aren’t sacrificing the critical things that they need to get done, on a daily basis, so they can play video games.

An Unpopular Take on Video Games

I am assuming you all opened this hoping (or expecting) I was going to bash playing video games. Sorry but that’s not exactly what is about to go down.

Playing video games is NOT evil. In fact, the majority of the professional players I know play video games routinely.

However, what can be “evil” about them is what you may be giving up in order to play them the amount that you are. 

In my example of pro players playing video games, you need to understand that they’re also at the field for literally 12 hours a day and for them, playing an hour of video games before bed is simply a way to unwind. They earned it.

They’re playing 150+ games with an insane travel schedule, all while still training really hard, lifting, eating right, etc. They aren’t sacrificing the critical things that they need to get done, on a daily basis, so they can play video games.

So the question becomes…where do video games fall in your list of priorities?

And that’s where things like video games (insert other “bad” habits here as well) can become a problem. 

So ask yourself, “What are you giving up to play them the amount that you do?” 

Nothing? Sweet! Play for a bit. You’ve earned it too.

However, if your answer to this question are things like lifting, training sessions, studying, or eating right…then you may need to ease back on the controller.

Fort Nite (if that’s still even cool) will not go bad if you don’t play it 3hrs a night. Align your daily priorities with your goals…then treat yourself. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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