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Committed VS Convicted

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with “only” being committed. Players who are committed can still play varsity or college ball, however, they will also be the same players looking back on their careers wondering “what if”.

Committed VS Convicted

One of the biggest issues in a player’s development is the inability to distinguish the difference between being committed and being convicted. Only those who are convicted will have a shot at making their dreams their reality.

So you’re probably sitting there thinking that these seem pretty similar right? What’s the big deal? They sound good! Well, here’s the difference…

Committed is 9-5. Committed is doing what you’re supposed to do when you’re supposed to do it…showing up on time to practice, practicing hard, and not missing games. That’s committed.

Convicted is 24/7. Convicted is doing everything the committed player does and then some. Convicted is consistently getting in extra work. Convicted is lifting year round (yes, even in-season…ESPECIALLY in-season). Convicted is having a healthy diet and sleep patterns. Convicted is a mindset…it’s a lifestyle. That’s convicted.

So as you now can tell, even though these two words sound they same…they are not. Not even close in fact.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with “only” being committed. Players who are committed can still play varsity or college ball, however, they will also be the same players looking back on their careers wondering “what if”.

You have one chance at this. If this is what you love…if you want to see just how good you can be, quit being content with simply being committed. Be convicted. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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