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The Legal Performance Enhancing Supplement

Have you ever examined the actual quality of your thoughts? Are they positive or negative? Are you thinking about your process or are you stuck on this past weekends failure?

The Legal Performance Enhancing Supplement 

Hopefully you opened this knowing I wasn’t actually going to try and sell you literal supplements.

I recently read that we have approximately 70,000 thoughts per day. Now clearly those thoughts are all over the place, however, I’m also sure that some themes are much more prominent than others.

And for those of you that love the game, I would expect that baseball and training would be one of the more popular thoughts running through your head every day.

Have you ever examined the actual quality of your thoughts? Are they positive or negative? Are you thinking about your process or are you stuck on this past weekends failure? Are you dreading that 6am workout tomorrow or are you looking at it as an exciting opportunity to get better?

That is what the legal performance enhancing drug is…your mind and the sheer power of your own thoughts. 

Fill it with positive thoughts and you will instantly have more energy. 
Fill it with negative thoughts and you will instantly have less energy.

At the end of the day, your biggest fan, your biggest advocate, your biggest motivator needs to be you. Use the most powerful performance enhancer today. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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