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Seeds, Flowers, Trees, & Baseball

Instead, think long term…think down the road. Spend your time, energy, and resources on things that will set you up for massive success. Be the tree.

Seeds, Flowers, Trees, & Baseball

Being patient is one of the toughest things to be as a player or parent in this game. You see one person having “success” and you immediately question what you’re doing wrong…it’s simply human nature.

Sometimes that reaction is absolutely justified, but many times you’re just hitting the panic button too soon and allowing things outside of your control to affect you. 

Here’s something to ponder…

Fast forward a few months to nice weather. You’re planting some seeds in your backyard…some of those seeds are different types of flowers, while others are trees.

What will sprout out of the ground and look “success” first? The flower right (by no means am I a gardener, but this is pretty basic stuff right?)?

But which will end up being bigger? Which will end up being stronger? Which will end up being an able to stand the test of time?

The tree!

Consider your personal development that of the tree and not the flower. Don’t concern yourself with being the prettiest right this second because odds are, it doesn’t matter.

Instead, think long term…think down the road. Spend your time, energy, and resources on things that will set you up for massive success. Be the tree. Be obsessed.

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