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The Work Place & Bowling

Players need the freedom to make decisions, fail, and rebound…and that only happens when we take a step back and allow them to do so.

The Work Place & Bowling

How would you like it if your employer stood over your shoulder and critiqued everything you did the second you did it?

Would you learn how to do your job if they sat there and gave you step by step directions all day every day?

I would venture to guess that you wouldn’t like that and that wouldn’t be optimal conditions to learn/work in right?

Then why do it to our players (or sons)?

Players need the freedom to make decisions, fail, and rebound…and that only happens when we take a step back and allow them to do so.

I once heard that we, as coaches (and parents), are the bumpers in bumper bowling. We are here to help guide the ball back to the middle when it gets too far offline. We are NOT there to actually throw the ball for the bowler.

Let players fire that ball down the lane! The only way for them to learn how to bowl a strike is to throw some into the bumpers first. Support, but don’t control. Be obsessed!

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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