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Opening Day Mentality

Stats are history. Records are history. Live in the present. Compete in the present. Show up to the field with an Opening Day mentality and watch the difference in your game.

Opening Day Mentality

Why is Opening Day such a fun day? 

A massive reason is because we don’t have a record or stats weighing us down.

We aren’t thinking that we need to go at least 2 for 4 to get our batting average back up over .400.

We aren’t worried about the game we lost yesterday and being the #6 seed today.

Opening Day is exciting. It’s fun. It’s baseball!

Now here’s my question to you…why can’t every day be opening day? Why can’t every game feel like the first game of the season? No stats…no record…just pure excitement getting to step on the field and COMPETE!

Hint-there’s not any reason why it can’t be! It’s completely a choice for you to make daily. It certainly not always an easy one to consistently make, but non the less, a choice that’s 100% under your control!

Stats are history. Records are history. Live in the present. Compete in the present. Show up to the field with an Opening Day mentality and watch the difference in your game. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg, Director of Baseball, Maplezone Sports Institute

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