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The Big Game

Big games aren’t different than any other game you play. Your goals are the same…be present in the moment, be a great competitor, and be a selfless teammate.

The Big Game

Whether it’s a conference championship, a rivalry game, or a college coach has come out to watch you…we’ve all played in big games!

(And will ALWAYS be playing in a “bigger” game than the one you’re currently worrying about!)

But here’s the “big game” mistake most players make. It’s NOT about making a Sports Center Top 10 play or going 4-4 with 7 RBIs…

It’s about WANTING the baseball, making the plays you’re supposed to make, and playing the game hard.

If you do those things consistently, especially in the big moments, you will enjoy success often.

When you think you need to make the amazing play. When you try to win the game on one swing. When you take for granted that the rest of your team is working for the same goal as you…that’s when the big game spins out of control.

Big games aren’t different than any other game you play. Your goals are the same…be present in the moment, be a great competitor, and be a selfless teammate.

When you do those three things…”big games” won’t feel so big because it ISN’T about just you and your performance…it becomes more about doing your job for your TEAM.

Gain confidence in your team. Rely on them and let them rely on you. This is a TEAM sport after all. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg Director of Baseball Maplezone Sports Institute

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