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Your “A” Game

It’s easy to COMPETE when you have your “A” game, but what will make your career is how you compete with your “B”-“F” game.

Your “A” Game

You know those days where your body feels great, your swing is locked and loaded, and your arm feels like a bazooka? That’s called having your “A” game. 

You feel great physically and mentally. You’re ready for any pitcher and any challenge that comes your way! You’re going to succeed. Period.

But how often do we have our “A” game? It certainly depends on player, but no one steps on the field always feeling optimal. 

Our back may feel a little tight. Our swing may feel a little off. Our arm might feel a little sore.

That sounds familiar too right? Depending on how “bad” you feel, this could be your “B”, “C”, “D”, or even your “F” game.

Let’s say we feel like we bring our “A” game to the field 50% of the time which I bet is pretty realistic for most. What happens the other 50% of the time where you don’t have your best game ready to go?

The answer to this question is what will make or break you as a player…it will define your career.

The players who reach their full potential are the best at playing with LESS than their “A” game.

Do you think the guys you see on TV feel great every day? They go months without an off day. They’re flying all over the country. And when they have a bad game, they get blasted by social media and the fan base.

Does that sound like an environment where an “A” game is going to show up consistently?

No. I don’t think so either.

It’s easy to COMPETE when you have your “A” game, but what will make your career is how you compete with your “B”-“F” game.

Make the choice to be a fierce competitor regardless of what game shows up to the field today. Be obsessed.

Ken Spangenberg
Director of Baseball
Maplezone Sports Institute

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